Our associate program is free to join.
You can instantly generate an ongoing stream of income without any cost or obligation on your part. You simply place a link to us somewhere on your site (text link or banner link) and we reward you by giving you 25% for every sale that is generated by visitors coming to us via your link.
We are constantly developing new products for our site and you can earn from each and every one of them. For the simple reason that: "When a customer comes from your site, this is your customer forever. Even if the customer decides to purchase another product from today or next year. If they initially came from your site and you`re still an active partner, you get the money." And that's not all... You can build your own affiliate network. Anyone that joins our affiliate program from your link automatically becomes your subaffiliate. This means you earn a 5% commission from all their sales. So how much money will I receive.... Too be honest that depends on you and how much you promote the products on your site.
Just direct people to the URL we give you and we handle the rest. On top of that you will have the opportunity to introduce others to this affiliate program. When they become an affiliate you make an extra 5% on each and every sale they make. There is no limit to the amount of subaffiliates you can have.
How do I know what I`m earning.... Real time statistics are provided. This will allow you to view your traffic and sales stats at any time). Steps to take in order to become an associate member... Simply fill out the application form. Within a few minutes your application will be approved and you will be e-mailed details assigning passwords and a special URL that you will use to link to Profitable Internet Marketing (so we can track the sales). In the e-mail there are details about where you can check your stats and earnings online in real-time. It will also include instructions on how to set up the link to our site and includes banners and logos you might like to use. You can then start earning referral fees immediately.... !
Join Now by filling out our online application form Please note: We do not tolerate people becoming an affiliate just to receive a discount on the Profitable Internet Marketing products. This isn't fair for the affiliate who referred you. If this happens, our comprehensive tracking system will now automatically remove you from the system.
Contact us at affiliate@profitableinternetmarketing.com if you have any further questions about our program or view our terms and conditions